Sunday, January 16, 2011

Different and Similar

The three stories that we read by Julio Cortazar, The Continuity of Parks, Our Demeanor at Wakes, and Axolotl, all showed different levels of magic realism some very subtle and some very obvious to the reader. You would almost think that they are written by different authors all together, which really says a lot about the brilliance of this artist. All three of these pieces seemed to speak to the curious philosopher in me. I enjoy reading and was easily caught off guard by the amazing twist in the ending of The Continuity of Parks. Death is something that we all have to face because we are born, and so must die also. The comedy of hijacking a funeral from pretenders as the family doing the hijacking is also being fake is beyond just funny, a real look at our individual integrity. I could have been the young person in Axolotl because there are so many completely fascinating things to learn about on this planet. It is easy to get absorbed, and even completely consumed by things and creatures that peak our interest.

I admit that it bothers me greatly when people seem dis-genuine with their feelings. The fact that an entire family, several generations, go to a wake with the act of teaching the family a lesson about being hypocrites while being better hypocrites themselves is an amazing notion. It is an enigma within itself. And to top it off, they do it successfully with the style and grace of an "invisible organization but with no loopholes" makes it even more shocking to my moral being. 

Stopping to smell the roses has a deeper meaning with Axolotl. You become aware of the authors increase fascination with the small creatures. He is so enthralled with them that he becomes one. The circular time is done so as to have us wonder in if the author was originally one of these creatures, or did he become one because he was so completely consumed by them. All in moderation is a general term around my house in regards to wants. Anything done in excess, while seemingly ok at the time, could be detrimental to your health. This was driven home for me when I found out that you cold get drunk by drinking too much water and it could kill you. It puts me in the mind of a sin that Christians call gluttony because there is a difference in the scholarly person and the one that knows a lot of really useless facts. 

Entertainment is such a huge business in the United States, but if you are reading a novel from a Best Selling Author, you have a way of getting caught up in it. There all of the bells and whistles that you get from the movies, but in your head. I've consumed several books in my time considerably, quickly due to the storyline.The Continuity of Parks,is similar to a Best Seller. You are the reader reading about one thing you believe only to find out that you are witness to a murder. This is a truly priceless ending. 

Mr. Cortazar's stories needed a little research if you wished to get the full understanding of his theme in each one. They did warrant several readings to make sure I understood them. I was delighted each time that I did read them over because I discovers something I didn't know or hadn't thought about in that particular context. Each of these pieces were well written with considerable thought and planning of a literary genius. I truly enjoyed them, and I know that I will revisit them in the future, not as an assignment, but for fun.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reflections and Comparison

     I was amazed at how much insight into the Mayan culture I was able to achieve from reading Popol Vuh; The Dawn of Life. I had limited knowledge of their beliefs and culture prior to the reading of part of their Holy Book. It fascinated me with some of the similarities that are found in the Christian faith. The fact that there was nothing at all in the beginning until the gods got together and decided how the create it. The way that the animals were then created next. There is the difference in the fact that the Mayan gods expected the animals to be able to praise them, and the animals in the garden of Eden were similar; however, they weren't punished for not being able to praise God. There was also the way that the gods tried more than once to create man. This showed definite thought and purpose in what they were trying to do within a set time frame. One of the biggest similarities in my mind was the great flood depicted in both Holy Texts. It was brought on by the lack of remembrance of their creator. It was more violent in the Popol Vuh in my eyes. It depicted that everything raised up against the wood creatures, even the inanimate objects.

    I believe in being more spiritual than religious and enthralled in ceremonies. That there are many paths to reach a desired end result. Although the name of the gods were hard to read and follow, the content of their purpose was not. The main point of not forgetting your maker or suffering destruction came through loud and clear as their primary belief. I think that if we as the human race in general remember to embrace each other as the creation of a greater being, we will all be a little better for it. I do agree that pride and relishing riches is  corruptness to the human soul. As address with the god, Vucub-Caquix, in Chapter 4 when he claimed to be the sun and the moon although they weren't risen yet. I believe that pride and greed will usually lead to the down fall of a human when their ego is so large it explodes. 

    Although figuring out the god's names proved to be a challenge, this was a delightful read for me. I was caught up with the imagination, description, and the story line. It was easy to see the progression of the timeline. I could view it as one of the oldest action novels because it keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what happens next. It created a desire in me to read the entire book. I had the feeling of starting an adventure but having to wait for a commercial to see the next part. It was delightful in the historical overview of how they believed, and how human nature affects everything we do and our interpretation of our world.Everyone should get a chance to visit in another cultures world. We will see that even though there is great differences we are all part of the same circle of life.